There is a huge industry, has brought together under one roof all of which display not only the latest and upcoming trends for the invalid, but also as a platform to showcase and connect directly to end users, ie the public. Bridal Fashion Week is aimed at providing all stakeholders with an opportunity to show people, books and engage directly with their customer base, Pakistani consumers. You have to bring German carnival in Lahore fashion 2011:360 and style J & S together again, to bring you this Extravaganza grand dream team. In the cultural capital of the country, set up in Lahore.

Will feature six days of exhibition area, fashion show runway and a strong media package, it will be an audience, guests, participants in this effort, all the people involved in treatment. This event is not just a platform to showcase local and international talent and services, but a stage conducive to business relationships. All the different companies, the formation of Pakistan for the wedding industry, is expected to participate in part of the activities. People from across the country are expected to gather and witness this great fashion event; have a glimpse of contemporary Pakistani nation.